
Hello, my name is Monica Walsh. This blog was created to not just inspire and motivate myself, but to inspire and motivate you to work on becoming your most elevated self.


Monica Walsh is the Founder of Beam Them Up LLC. She lives in North Carolina, although originally from Brooklyn, NY. She believes that being an African American woman gives her a unique perspective about life, and so she decided to create a forum where she is able to express her views, and provide motivational and information for self-improvement. Monica also has a Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational Management and a Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership. She has worked in technology, education, finance, as well as the fashion industry.

Monica has done modeling, acting, and has written articles for a community based newspaper. She also dabbled in jewelry making as well as sewing and designing her own outfits. Monica also loves challenging herself and looks at the potential of those she comes in contact with.

From as early as she can remember, she has always strived to be a well-rounded individual and the best version of herself as possible, and realizes that in order to live her best life she must stay strong, balanced, and aware. Writing allows her to voice her opinions and concerns whether they are popular or not. She knows everyone has something to contribute and this website is her way to make her contribution.